Sunday 15 May 2005

Don't be afraid Abram

The word of the Lord came to Abram ... saying, 'Fear not Abram: I am your thy shield and thy exceedingly great reward.'” - Genesis 15v1

How often do we do the right thing, know we are doing the right thing, and then shortly after begin to have second thoughts? Here Abram had just taken a firm stand for God, telling the king of Sodom, in so many words, to keep his filthy lucre. We don't know Abram's heart of course, but something happens for God to intervene here and speak to Abram. The chapter break is unfortunate here, it break the chain of thought. “After these things happened” we read in verse one, the Lord came to Abram in a dream, saying...” Abram had just passed up a chance for great wealth as He stood up for God. By rejecting the king of Sodom's offer he rejected any chance of an alliance and future protection from the king.

God comes to give him great assurance. “Don't be afraid Abram.” These are precious words that God speaks several times in Scripture. So often we find ourselves battered about by fearful thoughts. We read over and over again words like - “Fear not for I am with thee” and “...though I walk through the valley of death I will not be afraid.” Fear will do so much to destroy our effectiveness for the Lord.

What kind of assurance did the Lord give Abram here?

I will be your shield (protection)
I will be your exceeding great reward (provision)

What more could we want? Do we prefer the protection and provision of Sodom or the protection and provision of God? If we could ever realise that we have God's own protection and provision perhaps we could get out focus on Him instead of chasing after the world's protection and provision.

What wonderful words to remember - “Don't be afraid today Roger, I will be your shield of protection and I will provide for you with exceeding great reward.”

Remind us today Lord that we need not go pursue the protection and provision of the world because we have those beyond measure in You!!

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