Wednesday 29 June 2005


“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” - Genesis 49v10

At the very end of Israel’s life he spelled out what the future held for the family of each son. Reuben would suffer great trouble and instability. Simeon would be the smallest of the tribes. Levi would be the priestly family, but they would have no land. Judah would be the lion like tribe, ruled by violence and conquest. The kings of Israel would come through this tribe. This nation would grow and prosper.

The most significant aspect of Judah is that through Judah would come Shiloh. The word has the idea of peace and tranquility and even before Christ scholars had attached this prophecy to the coming Messiah. Christian scholars have done the same ever since and there is no real reason not ot accept that view since Christ did come from the line of Judah.

What a blessing that even at this time, when Israel was exiled from her land God would promise that one day peace would come. Jesus made it clear what He was the One to bring that peace when he said, “My peace I bring to you, not like the world’s peace.” I am so grateful for Shiloh in my life. May we rest in the perfect peace of Shiloh no matter what passes our way today.

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