Sunday 3 July 2005

The child’s mother

“…and the maid went and called the child’s mother,” – Exodus 2v8

Is there anything more precious than the relationship between a mother and her young child? How it must have broken the heart of Moses’ mother to put him in the basket and watch him float away. The chances were very real that she would never see him again. The anxiety was so great that she sent his big sister to see what would happen to him.

What fear must have gripped the sister’s heart when she saw Moses discovered by Pharaoh’s own daughter. Certainly death of the child would now be certain. Yet, God intervened. Pharaoh’s daughter decided to save the child as her own son. When Miriam was discovered nearby she was sent to find a Hebrew woman to nurse the child for Pharaoh’s daughter. Of course there was one perfect choice – Moses own mother. When she returned Pharaoh’s daughter said that she would pay her, for nursing her own son!

All of this shows that God pays attention to details. Not only did He honour the mothers’ love and faith, he allowed Moses to grow up bi-culturally. He would have the affection for his people that he would need, while at the same time he would understand the operation of the court of Pharaoh. Moses would need both for the work to which God had called him.

How wonderful to know that we serve a God Who cares about the details of our lives!

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