Thursday 7 July 2005


“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said thou shalt tell the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” – Exodus 3v12

This surely must be one of the profound names of God in the Bible. Dismayed at the task before him Moses simply asked God, “When they ask me who is the God who sent me to deliver them, what will I say.”

God gave him a very simple answer – “tell them I AM sent you.” This seemingly simple name for God has tremendous ramifications. YHWH is a name so holy that traditional Jews will not speak it. By interspersing the vowels from Adonai an acceptable Yahweh has developed as a name for God. I AM reveals that God is just this same at this very instant in time as He ever is and ever will be. It reveals His immutability, His omniscience, His omnipotence, and His omnipresence.

Nothing will ever take God by surprise for He is the great I AM. Nothing is more powerful than God for He is the great I AM. We can face every challenge that crosses our path because the great I AM is with us. This name sums up so much about our great God. He will never learn anything, for He is the great I AM.

It was this very name that turned the religious leaders against Jesus when He said, “Before Abraham was I am.” In this statement Jesus clearly claimed deity. Is it nor amazing that the great I AM would die for you and me? Praise God for the great I AM and that the great I AM loved me enough to die on a cross for me!

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