Wednesday 27 July 2005

What will I do with these people?

And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, What shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me.” – Exodus 17v4

Leadership is never an easy task. All of us lead in some capacity, be it as a teacher, parent, boss, supervisor, older brother or sister, Sunday School teacher, or even an example to those younger that us. As Christians we all have a ministry of reconciliation and some of our leadership may be leading people to a knowledge of the Saviour.

Leadership is not always easy, as Moses was quickly learning. Once again the water supplies ran low and once again the people started complaining. Moses was frustrated with them – “What am I going to do with these people?” Everyone who has ever led knows his feelings. Leadership can be so frustrating and difficult sometimes that we just don’t know what to do!

God showed Moses what to do. He patiently instructed Moses on how to provide the water they we begging for. Patience is a hallmark of a true leader. God is a God of patience. Whenever we are tempted to get impatient with others may we remember just how patient God is with us. Moses should have remembered how patient God was with him in preparing him for his service.

“What will I do with these people?” Patiently lead and teach the, following the example of God’s patience with us.

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