Sunday 14 August 2005

They did it all

“According to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so the children of Israel made all the work.” - Exodus 39v42

The people gad to set to work. The offerings had been brought in and now the work commenced. When the work was finished we read several times that the people did all that Moses had told them to do, as He was instructed by the Lord. They left nothing undone, they tied up all the loose ends, they completed the work that God wanted them to do.

My wife is meticulous about housecleaning. Things that the children and I may not notice, she does. When she wants the kitchen floor brushed, it needs to be brushed - every nook and cranny, every corner, and every crevice. The job should rightly be done and it is not totally done until it is done properly. For a job to be done it must be well and truly “done.”

The children if Israel did the job right, there was nothing more they could do. How often can we say of ourselves that we do ALL that the Lord wants us to do? How many nights can we go to bed saying, “there is nothing more I could have done for the Lord today?”

Our goal should be that it would be said of us, “He did all that he was commanded to do!”

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