Monday 27 March 2006

The importance of teamwork

“Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.” - Nehemiah 2v20

Everything was in place and the work of rebuilding the city was all set to begin. In spite of the mockery and ridicule Nehemiah told Sanballat and the others that God was going to bless the work and the people were going to get up and go build the wall.

Chapter three is simply fascinating. At first appearance it looks like just a list of a bunch guys building a wall. Yet, at closer examination we can see the kind of teamwork that was taking place. It seems that everyone was there. Here is one example, “…Uzziel, … of the goldsmiths … Hananiah…one of the apothecaries…repaired the wall.” There were priests, government officials, craftsman, and shopkeepers all on the wall doing their jobs. There was a job to be done and everyone did their part.

God’s plan for His work is teamwork. Can you imagine what would have happened if only a few had set out to build the wall, or if everyone just set out on their own instead of planning who would do what.

These were people with a common purpose. They set aside their differences and everyone got to work. I wonder what would happen if God’s people followed that example today?

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