Thursday 6 April 2006

Job …eschewed evil

“There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.” - Job 1v1

The Bible says that Job was the greatest of all the people of the East. Incredibly rich, everyone knew who he was and he was highly regarded. Yet, he was able to do that without compromising his stand for the Lord.

Four things stick out at the very beginning:

· Job was perfect. Meaning he was complete and mature. He of course was not without sin, but there was no mark on him that others could point to and fault him
· Job was upright - like a measuring rod. He did not bend or waver in his convictions.
· Job feared God. He knew God for who He was. He had a holy reference for a holy God.
· Job eschewed evil. Literally he was “turned off” by evil.

God was about to use Job in a mighty way. Each of these are areas where we can and should follow the example set by Job.

I am impressed by the fact that Job eschewed evil. He was totally turned of by evil when it confronted him. Think about how our lives would be different if we could say that we were totally turned off by evil. Most of us don’t mind dabbling with evil. When we dabble in it we are prone to accept it.

Lord, remind me daily of your holiness so that I am totally turned off by evil.

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