Thursday 8 February 2007

When I fall, I will arise

“Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.” - Micah 7v8

The Bible tells that a righteous man will fall seven times and then rise up again. If we would be honest we would admit that we are all susceptible to falling. In fact, we are probably far too familiar with what it means to fall. The can be a fear, as one songwriter puts it, that we can “fall one too many times.” This fear is based on a “fear that His love is no better than mine.”

Micah too knew what it was like to fall. He told his enemies not to get too excited about his falling, because he would arise. Though he might be in darkness at the moment he would sit in great light. He had the faith to know that God would allow him to arise again – and again, and again – because God’s love for us is greater than our love. We get tired of watching people fall, we can give up on them, but if God can allow us to rise up again should we now give others the same chance?

Praise the Almighty Creator of the universe – He is the One who lifts me up EVERY time I fall.

Thank you Abba Father – for lifting me up in my darkest hours!

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