Saturday 17 February 2007

Wine upon the lees

“And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, The LORD will not do good, neither will he do evil.” - Zephaniah 1v12

One of the many reasons for the judgement on God’s people in Jerusalem was that they had become complacent about their sin. The people of the city, and the nation in general had come to the point where they though that God would do nothing about their sin. They had “settled on their lees” of sin. Lees are the thick, sticky, mucky, sludge left in a wine vat after the good wine has been poured out. It is nasty, think, gunky, and gooey.

Sadly, even Christians can settle in the lees of their sin, as nasty and ugly as it is. God is never happy when we settle back into our sins. Whether we admit it or not, we are essentially saying, “God doesn’t care if I sin.” What a slap in the face of a Holy God!

If we ever find ourselves comfortable and complacent in out sins it is time for a wake up call! Time to confess our sins, accept His forgiveness, and clean up that nasty gunk that we were stuck in!

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