Thursday 3 May 2007

Gaining the whole world

“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” - Matthew 16v26

We live in a day when its seems that everyone is out for a profit. Everything seems to be all about getting. Christians are not by any means immune to this trap. We can be so consumed with our pursuit of riches and things that we can forget why we are here.

Jesus said that a true disciple is not like this at all. A true disciple is willing to lay down his own life, take up a cross like Jesus did, and follow Him. Romans 12v1 reminds us of this; “…submit your bodies a living sacrifice…” Following Christ is not cheap and it is not always easy. Here Jesus said it involves carrying a cross. That doesn’t exactly give the picture of an easy walk does it?

Is it worth it? Is it worth laying down our lives to carry a cross? What is the alternative? The alternative is to try and gain the whole world, but what good is that if we sacrifice our heart and soul that should be dedicated to Him. The whole world isn’t worth it, but Jesus is. As Fernando Ortega sings:


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