Saturday 1 September 2007

It is finished

“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.” - John 19v30

I wonder what the disciples and those around thought when they heard the words, “It is finished”? A lot of things could have crossed their minds. The pain, suffering, shame, humiliation, and agony of the crucifixion was all over. It was done, no more agony.

Perhaps they thought that the earthly ministry was over. They were done, there was nothing more to do. The three years together we all said and done.

Of course both if these were true. The crucifixion was over. The ministry was over. But more was finished. It was all done, everything that had to be done to solve mankind’s greatest dilemma was finished. From the time of the Fall man had one major problem – his eternity was sealed, the wages of sin was death and a price had to be paid.

Now it was paid – the perfect sacrifice had been made. There was no more that could be done to pay the price for sin. Sin’s mastery over us was defeated. There was more to come to make it clear and evidence the victory, but “it” was indeed finished.

There is nothing we can “do” today because it was all “done” at that moment. Praise God for “it is finished!”

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