Saturday 29 December 2007

Their own righteousness

“For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.” - Romans 10v3

Pardon me if a couple of entries here are a bit personal and reflect my own personal situation. As I read verses 2-4 today I thought about how much they suit Ireland. Ireland has indeed been seeking her own righteousness for centuries. From the very beginning the people sought righteousness in the pagan rituals of Druidism. For a brief period there was a glimmer of hope in the 5th century as Patrick carried the truth of God’s righteousness here, but he failed to prepare the Christians to pass on their faith so a hundred years later the light had faded.

Since the 6th century this land has sought her righteousness in a form of Christianity. For about 300 years there was a mystical mixture of Christianity and paganism where the old gods and goddesses were brought back into the church. In the 10th century the Roman church with her works based righteousness took hold in Ireland and for a thousand years tried to portray her own form of righteousness.

In the last 25-30 years there has been a seeming abandonment of righteousness. “Whatever works for me” has become good enough. Now, more than ever seemingly there is a total ignorance of God’s righteousness.

In all of this, except for that brief period, people have not submitted to the righteousness of God.

Sadly, Ireland is not unique. All over the world people choose to seek after their own righteousness and are ignorant of God’s righteousness. It is easier to establish our own righteousness than to submit to God’s righteousness. Even Christians in some circles establish our own standards of righteousness and seek to, as one song puts it, get people to change their shirts before they change their hearts.

It is sadder than sad that people seek to replace God’s righteousness with their own. No matter where we live may God make us constantly aware of a world destroying itself in its own righteousness. In Christ alone is that righteousness found.

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