Sunday 16 March 2008

Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Archaicus

I urge you, brethren you know the household of Stephanas…and that they have devoted themselves to the ministry of the saints that you also submit to such,…I am glad about the coming of Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus… For they refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore acknowledge such men. – 1 Corinthians 16v15-18

There is plenty in the word of God that talks about humility, being nothing, being base, foolish, and weak. There is plenty about not seeking recognition of self glory. There is plenty about being equal and on a level playing pitch.

I think that I may have missed something here. In seeing the abuse of glorifying men I have missed the fact that sometimes we are called upon to acknowledge, recognise, and mark some men.

Here we meet Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Archaicus. These men, according to all indications, had delivered the letter from Corinth mentioned in chapter sever and filled in any gaps for Paul. Stephanas was one of the few that Paul had baptised. He was one of the first people saved in Corinth. Clearly there was a connexion between Paul and Stephanas.

Paul says a couple of things about these men. First, they had given their lives for the service of the Lord. Second, they had refreshed Paul’s heart (like “news from a far land”), and third, they had refreshed the hearts of the people in Corinth. Sounds like a nice bunch of guys and the kind of guys we can learn from. You can’t go wrong by serving the Lord and refreshing the saints.

One thing though that I have been missing. There is room for recognising such servants. In fact, it is to be done. We don’t need to puff them up. We don’t need to give them exaltation. We don’t need to give them honourary doctorates. We are however to recognise that service and mark those servants out. The key, once again, is finding a Bible balance.

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