Monday 12 May 2008

Adoption as sons

…to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. - Galatians 4:5

I think this is the second time this concept of adoption has appeared. The first was back in Romans and I am sure I commented on the idea of “Abba, Father.” Yet, somehow I just can’t pass this by without comment.

The first part of the verse is astounding in itself – Jesus came to redeem us from the Law. By His precious blood He bought us from the slave-market that was the Law. He freed us, He broke the chains; not only of sin, but of the Law as well! As a side note here I have to wonder about those who would cheapen His redemption from the Law by trying to bind us to it!

But it doesn’t stop there, not by a long shot. He redeemed us from the Law that we might receive the adoption, and become His sons by that adoption. He paid my price, and then He adopted me as His child. My adoption papers came with my redemption papers. He paid the ultimate adoption fee. And it did it – FOR ME!!

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