Sunday 18 May 2008

Consuming each other

But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another! - Galatians 5v15

In many ways I am more than grateful for the men who have had a part in making me the man I am today. They have taught me a devotion to the word of God. The men, churches, and schools I have been associated with are wholly dedicated to the Bible and therefore have a high regard for holy living. They have loved the lost and given themselves over to introducing others to Jesus Christ and sharing his marvellous gift of salvation.

And yet, there is something that I once took for granted that bothers me. While at fellowship meetings there is often a favourite past time which seems to engender the most attention. Off in a corner someplace a crowd grows and develops. If you walk by you hear that the discussion is often about men at the meeting who are in another discussion or men who are not there. We seem to thrive on finding fault and criticising them or their ministries. Paul’s words here, “biting and devouring,” truly picture these discussions.

If there is any doubt about my thoughts, one could take a look at our books, articles, internet postings, and blogs. In the previous verse Paul writes that the whole Law is summarised by, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” And yet, far too often biting and devouring replace loving and compassion in these arenas. .

Please, I don’t mean to paint with a broad brush. I have seen much good, but as I sit here I think of so many times that I have watched men I loved and respected tear someone else apart for some minor grievance. Far too often I did not get dragged into these discussions, but jumped in with all my might. My heart aches when I think of things I have said about others, or stories I heard that I knew were not true, and did not act. .

Biting and devouring can only have one result – “You will be consumed by each other.”

One thing is for certain – if we consume each other we will certainly save the evil one a lot of trouble.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts mate. Do you remember the time we heard a message ina big church that touched both of our hearts exteremely and when you went outside, some "big" preacher was tearing it down to others? :( I thoht of that when I read your blog.
Cheers man

Chuck Landon