Friday 30 May 2008

I do not cease to give thanks

Therefore I … do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: - Ephesians 1v15-16

I realise that this is one of the places where Paul is speaking in a general way. Obviously, he did not constantly give thanks for the Ephesians believers. He had other things to pray about and others to be thankful for. But, there was always a spirit of thankfulness on his heart for them. When they came to mind his first thought was one of thankfulness.

As I pondered this I thought about how thankful I am for my own brothers and sisters in Christ. I really, truly am. Their familyship is more precious that I can describe. Sadly, I have to say that there are times when thankfulness is not the overriding feeling. Sometimes I let frustration, jealousy, pettiness, covetousness, and even anger rise to the top, even about thankfulness. The thankfulness is always there, but it not always predominant. When this happens I can not truthfully say, ‘I do not cease to give thanks.” When those emotions control thankfulness cannot.

We are all human. We cannot defeat our emotions. We are going to battle those emotions and their tendency to thankfulness. Yet those things happen we must keep check on our hearts to insure that they do not supplant thankfulness as the primary spirit towards others.

What is the key? Love, true, selfless love will allow us to always remain thankful.

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