Sunday 8 June 2008

He Himself is our peace

For He Himself is our peace… - Ephesians 2v14

Peace is something that we all long for, but seldom find. When we do find it we discover that it is fleeting and transitory.

I realise that the context here is peace between Jews and Gentiles, and their peace with God. However, I think it goes beyond just that. Paul puts it this way, He Himself, Jesus, is our peace. I like the way the New King James translates this phrase. By translating “autos” as “He Himself” it captures the emphasis on the peace being Him; on who He is and own He own ability.

Jesus, and Jesus alone, is our peace. I think most of us have a problem with this. We tend to look for peace in our circumstances. We can base our peace on job security, paycheques, bank accounts, family security, possessions, a sound economy, the value of the dollar, or even the price of oil. The truth is that the price of oil is not my peace. My peace is not based on the fact that I am an American citizen. I cannot base my peace on the rises and falls of the ministry where God has placed me. I have been there and done that with all the things on that little list above. I know that they are not my peace.

Jesus, and Him alone, is my only source of my peace. He is the only one who is never going to fail me. He is the only peace that is permanent and enduring. When I look anywhere else for peace, I will always be disappointed.

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