Wednesday 30 July 2008

No confidence in the flesh

For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, - Philippians 3v3

This battle of confidence in the flesh is obviously one that has been around from the very start. We somehow get the idea what our walk with the Lord is all about what we do instead of who we are. Paul introduces the comments that define what the true circumcision is. The true circumcision worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Jesus Christ, and have no confidence in flesh.

Note that it is all spiritual. We tend to get is all bottom side up. From all fronts we get the notion that our walk with the Lord is determined by “do this, don’t do that.” We think that if we can get our actions right in the flesh, the rest will follow and we will be right with God.

But that phrase, “no confidence in the flesh” rings in my mind. As these thoughts are intended to be my musings, I am just going to muse this morning. It seems to me that if I am worshipping God in the Spirit, rejoicing in Jesus Christ, and having no confidence or reliance on the flesh, right actions will naturally follow.

I have discovered something in the last few years. There was a time when I thought if I did everything right, followed the rules, and ticked the boxes eventually my heart would get sorted. I am starting to learn that if I get my heart sorted all the stuff that I used to do in the flesh becomes part of my spiritual walk.

Confidence in the Spirit will lead to a doing what is right. The reverse is not always true.

1 comment:

Scott Bandy said...

Good points mate - very good - we have to stop getting the "cart before the horse." Thanks
