Saturday 15 November 2008

The word of God is not chained!

for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained. - 2 Timothy 2v9

Paul was in a bad fix. Whether the chains he speaks of were physical or figurative, he was in deep trouble. He was awaiting trial before Caesar. He knew that he could very well be facing execution. He had focused on himself he would have been in a real dilemma. ‘Oh my,’ he might have said, ‘I am going to die and no one is going to be here to carry on God’s work! What is the church going to do without me?’

However Paul’s perspective was different, he knew what was important. ‘I may be in chains – but God’s word is still free and unfettered!’ Nothing was going to chain the word of God, nit trials, persecution, or even his own death.

Sometimes Christians have an inflated view of self importance. We think that we are going to suffer so that means that somehow God’s work is going to be restricted or inhibited.

Our condition and our freedoms and liberties are not going to impact of the freedom of God’s word. God’s word will go forth. It is more important than banks collapsing or political leaders.

Even if we end up broke and in political chains God’s word will not be restricted or fettered.

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