Saturday 31 January 2009

Total contentment

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you or forsake you." – Hebrews 13v5 

The world around us tells us that we need to go after whatever we can get, as much as we can get, and as quickly as we can get it. Like everything else it is easy to get totally caught up in that mindset. We start thinking that all this stuff around us really is important. We start thinking that if we don’t get it God is not being fair to us. We may even start thinking that we would be better off if we could just going after more stuff. We may start questioning why God does not let us have all this stuff. 

Then we are getting on dangerous ground. We are starting to think that maybe we know more than He does about what we need. We start getting our eyes off Him and on to our stuff instead. When we get to that point we are ready to really mess things up. 

That’s why Christ reminds us to live in contentment. This is not a motivation killing lethargy, but a contentment that knows that we do what we can and leave the rest to Him. We can’t get caught in the ‘gimme this gimme that’ mindset that destroys our service for Him.

 When it is all said and done we have all we need, because He promises that no matter what He will not forsake us – He will ‘oo may’ (never, ever, under any circumstances, no matter what) leave us. 

He is always there. He loves us. He is always good. In that we need to find our contentment.


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