Thursday 19 February 2009

All or nothing

For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. – James 2v10 

There is something that I, at least, have a hard time grasping. There is a mindset that, I am somehow not as bas as so and so and therefore I a somehow am better in God’s sight because I don’t do this or that. We have our own set of rules about what is good or bad or right or wrong and always try to classify ourselves as better, or possibly worse. 

It is obvious that not all sins have the same consequences. My telling a little ‘white lie’ is not going to have the same earthly impact as committing a murder. Going 3 miles an hour over the speed limit is not likely to have the same consequences as robbing a bank. 

But that’s from our perspective. God sees sin, in its eternal impact, as sin. The most ‘insignificant’ sin is still sin to God and just as offensive. If we could somehow keep every single aspect of the law and only offend in one minor point we would still be guilty of breaking the entire law of God. 

As we look around at all the horrible stuff going on around us, may we be reminded that to God, all of our sins are just as filthy, vile, and horrendous.  

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