Wednesday 15 April 2009

Heartless Hospitality

Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. – 1 Peter 4v9

Yesterday was one of ‘those’ days. It was a madhouse around here. We had about twenty different people here throughout the day. Even for our house it was a busy and hectic day.

Now I know yesterday was unusual, but as I read this passage in connection with yesterday I was reminded of a thought that runs throughout the Bible. God expects us to be open and hospitable in our lives. I think of the Shunamite woman who opened her home to Elisha and the many cases in the New Testament where we are commanded to be hospitable to others.

Today’s verse adds a condition – do it without grumbling. Have you ever been around someone who you knew was only being nice because they ‘had to’? Not much fun is it? You would rather they would not bother.

Like everything else this is a heart issue. Heartless hospitality is really no hospitality at all. Heartfelt hospitality is obvious, so is heartless hospitality. It is not enough to just open our doors; we must also open our arms and our hearts.

Lets be sure that our hospitality is more than just a ‘Hi, oh its you, come in!’

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