Friday 7 August 2009

His name is the Word of God

He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. – Revelation 19v13

Just before this verse we read that Jesus has a name that ‘no one knows but Himself.’ While that may be intriguing, it would only be conjecture to try and guess what that name might be so we move on to the next name.

His name is called the Word of God. That is an interesting one because the word ‘word’ is interesting in itself. The word is logos in Greek. When we think of the word ‘word’ on the surface we may think of something printed on a page or spoken by our lips. That aspect of word is only a part of it.

There is an old saying that, frankly, more people need to understand – words have meaning. To put is roughly when we say that we read the word of God we really mean that we read the ‘meaning of God.’ When we read that Jesus is called the Word of God what we are saying is that He is the very Meaning of God himself.

When we read that one of the names of Jesus in ‘the Word of God’ we can be assured that He is everything about God. He is all of God in every single aspect.

One day we will see the Word of God in the flesh. In the meantime we can still read and study the ‘Meaning of God’ in His written word. What a privilege. What an honour. What an opportunity.

It is a shame that we don’t take more advantage of it.

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