Monday 9 November 2009


Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him. – Genesis 40v23

Being forgotten about is no fun. God had given Joseph the ability to interpret dreams. As a result he told the chief butler that his dream meant he would soon be releases from prison. When it happened the butler told Joseph that he would put in a good word forhim with Pharaoh. It sounded good, but the Butler forgot him and a result Joseph spent two more years in prison.

Once again Joseph had done something good, this time for a person, and yet the guy forgot all about him.

People can do that. 'Out of sight out of mind,' is sadly a reality. No one really likes to be forgotten. Joseph was not only forgotten but forgotten in jail. By forgetting him the butler assured that Joseph would spend two more years in jail.

The nice thing is that though forgotten by man Joseph had something going for him. All along we have read ‘God was with Joseph.’

Lonely is a sad place to be. There are no two ways around that. Lonely and forgotten is even worse. But Joseph endured. He knew all along that the Lord was with him no matter who else forgot about him.

Forgotten by men? That might very well happen.

Forgotten by God? ‘Ain’t gonna happen.’

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