Thursday 24 December 2009

Whoever is on the Lord’s side

then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp, and said, "Whoever is on the LORD's side—come to me!" And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him. – Exodus 32v26

'Whoever is on the Lord's side - come to me!' There could be no question about that call. A line in the sand was drawn.

'This call is not unique in the Bible. Joshua challanged the people with a choice between the false Amorite gods and the true Lord. ‘Choose you this day who you will serve,’ he said. They could not have both. Elijah said, ‘How long are you going to waver, if Baal is god follow him, but is the Lord is God follow Him.’ Jesus said, ‘You cannot serve God and the stuff of the world. You will love one and hate the other one.’

We simply can’t have it both ways. We can’t love our pagan gods of the world, the flesh, and the devil at the same time as we serve the true God.

We tend to want to keep just a little bit in the world while we serve God. We don’t REALLY want to do what Moses challenged the people to do. Apparently most of Israel was no different. Only the sons of Levi went to stand by Moses.

How may are willing today to do what Moses wanted? How may are willing to take the step of faith, separate from the world, and line up, once and for all, on His side?

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