Monday 5 April 2010

There is still a lot to do

Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the LORD said to him: "You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed. – Joshua 13v1

We read a lot about retirement. Governments talk about raising the retirement age before pensions can be paid. People look forward to a nice quiet retirement. Until about 100 years ago the concept of retirement was unknown. It all started when Otto von Bismark attempted to free up jobs for younger men by paying those over 65 a small stipend to quit work. Of course, that was not a big problem because not many men lived to that age. In 1935 jobs were once again at a premium so the American Social Security Administration had legislation passed that paid those over 65 to quit work and give the younger guys a shot. It seems like in the beginning it was simply a way to retire older people to pasture and employ younger more vibrant workers.

It is anything but that now. People have learned to expect an entitlement. They are shocked at the prospect of governments or companies raising the retirement age. The relatively modern idea of retirement has crept into our thinking, even those in the church. We somehow have adopted the idea that old age is for rest and relaxation.

God made it clear to Joshua that this was not the case. I think there is a principle here that we do well to heed. ‘You are old, Joshua, but there is still a lot left to do.’ I am not being legalistic or harsh here, but I don’t see any Biblical support for the concept of quitting God’s work just because we get older. My good friend Mille lives in Connecticut. She is well into her 70s now. When she visited us a few years ago she had taken on a ministry of driving old people to their appointments. She was already in her 70s then! Some of the old people she drove around were younger than she was!

The Bible is full of old people doing great works. History is full of old people doing the same. Our possible lifespan is growing everyday. Unless we get sick or injured we have a lot of years left to serve.

Many years ago I heard a saying which may sound ‘bumberstickerish,’ but I think the principle behind it is sound. ‘I don’t intend to retire, I intend to refire!’

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