Sunday 6 June 2010

So David prevailed

So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in the hand of David. - 1 Samuel 17v50

Of all the Bible stories known around the world the story of David and Goliath is one of those that has stood the test of time. Most of the world knows the story of the young guy who, despite insurmountable odds, overcame the giant. When we first visited Ireland some new beer was coming in and they used the imagery of taking on the long established giants with a billboard of David and Goliath. The theme runs through a multitude of films and literature. Everybody likes the underdog and here is the perfect picture of when the underdog wins.

‘So David prevailed.’ What a wonderful way to end the account. David, with nothing more than a sling and a stone struck the Philistine and killed him. There is no way that David should have won the fight. Everyone knew it. His brothers mocked him, the army taunted him, the king said it couldn’t happen, and the giant laughed at him. I think I might have quit pretty early on, but David kept at it.

‘So David prevailed.’ What a testimony. Even though the world for the most part has forgotten the reason for the victory they still know, some 3000 years later, that David prevailed.

What a testimony it would be, if, when my time to go home arrives, people could say of me ‘So Roger prevailed.’ What a legacy to leave for those to come.

Oh God, may it one day be said of me – ‘So Roger prevailed.’

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