Monday 2 August 2010

Solomon loved many foreign wives

But King Solomon loved many foreign women, as well as the daughter of Pharaoh: women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites – 1 Kings 11v1

Here we see the beginning of Solomon’s downfall. Solomon apparently had it made. He has wisdom, wealth, and a world-wide reputation. Everything was going his way.

As wise as he was one would think that he would know better, but there is something that seems to override all wisdom, all sense, all logic, and all sense of right and wrong. Solomon loved many foreign women.

My heart breaks when I sit here and think about the friends whose lives have been marred by sexual sin. It breaks again when I think of the many men whom I have respected and looked up to who have done the same.

I look back at times I have spent with friends who gave themselves over to this sin. I think of the excuses and reasons I have heard. I have often sat there in wonder about how any thinking, logical, intelligent man who knows the word of God could make such foolish choices. I am sitting here shaking my head when I think about some of the ‘logic’ I have heard from my dear friends.

I can look at Solomon and be critical. I can look at men I have respected through the years and condemn them. I can look at my dear friends who have made these foolish choices and wrote them off.

Or, I can allow what has happened to make me increase my diligence in guarding my own heart. I can learn to strive to maintain purity. I can learn to lean on the only One who can keep me from sin.

Some of those I know have confessed, repented, and forsaken their sin. Their relationship with God has been restored. In a few cases even their relationships with their wives have been restored. Praise God for His healing power.

Solomon never got to that point. His love for women destroyed him.

No wonder we are told to keep our hearts with all keeping. None of us are exempt from sexual sins. May God give us the strength and the wisdom to learn from example like this be ever on guard. We can’t afford to let down our defences even for a moment, because a moment is all it takes to start down this road.

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