Monday 7 February 2011

Set apart

But know that the LORD has set apart for Himself him who is godly; The LORD will hear when I call to Him. – Psalm 4v3

This world is in big big trouble. It always has been. Man keeps deluding himself to think that we are making things better and that there is the great man-made utopia coming someday. Man thinks that the evolutionary process has allowed us to outgrow God and that if we just keep working at it the air will be fresh, the water will be pure, the birds will be singing, health ills will be abolished, and there will be peace on earth.

But it is not going to work. Things are not going to get better. Evil men and seducers will get worse and worse as the day of the Lord approaches. One day God’s judgement is going to come down on the earth and God’s wrath will be finally and justly poured out on the wicked.

This looks like some kind of fatalist doomsday scenario – and indeed it is.

However, God offers hope. Those who are godly will be set apart. In fact, the godly are already set apart. No man can achieve godliness on his own, that godliness is only possible through Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross.

Praise the Lord that He continues to provide a way become one of the godly and to be set apart from the rest of the world and God’s day of wrath. Praise God that those who have been delivered from their sin through Jesus Christ are set apart by God’s marvellous grace.

So how does one become one of the ‘set apart?’ One must simply accept the free gift of salvation that was provided by Jesus on the cross. Then they will join the ranks of those who are godly in Christ and enjoy the blessings on being set apart now and for eternity.

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