Thursday 14 April 2011

God laughs at him

The wicked plots against the just, And gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him, For He sees that his day is coming. - Psalm 37v12-13

Man seems to think that he can just go on doing whatever he wants. The wicked plot against the righteous. The wicked gnash at the righteous with his teeth. This is the norm. The world has never accepted God's way or His people.

Most of us in the West don't know a whole lot about this. Most of us have enjoyed several hundred years of relative peace and safety. We have had governments and societies that basically 'like' us and have had laws and freedoms that support and protect our way of lives.

But that is changing. With incredible speed the world is returning to its norm. We are losing the supports and freedoms that we have grown so accustomed to. It is clear that the wicked are plotting against the righteous. We can almost see them chomping at the bit and hoping to finish us off.

It can be more than a little scary. We can be intimidating. The forces of evil are closing in for the kill.

But we only see a part of the picture. 'Up in heaven' God sees the whole thing. He is not unaware. And while He is there is chuckles and evil man's vain attempt to destroy the righteous. God knows the end result. He knows that the very gates of hell will not prevail against His church, much less puny man.

Evil can almost sense the victory. Everything seems to be going its way. But we know something they don't know. God is laughing, because He knows the end of the story. And so do we. 

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