Thursday 26 May 2011


Nevertheless they flattered Him with their mouth, And they lied to Him with their tongue; For their heart was not steadfast with Him, Nor were they faithful in His covenant. - Psalm 78v36-37

Any of us who have been saved for any amount of time know how to talk the right Christian talk. We can go to church or talk to other Christians or write the right emails or post the right things on Facebook and everyone things everything is okay. We do a good job of 'flattering God with our lips (or keyboards) and look like we really have it together.

Giving a good impression is easy. Backing it up is not so easy.

The people the psalmist writes about here had a problem. While they flattered God with their lips, they were liars. How do we know they were liars?

'Their hearts were not steadfast and they were not faithful.'

God doesn't demand or expect stellar success. He doesn't necessarily look for results. The real test of our walk with God is our steadfastness and our faithfulness.

We know that is true. We read elsewhere that it is required in God's stewards that they be found faithful.

If I look at this passage and examine my own heart I have to wonder if my heart is always steadfast. Does my life manifest that steadfast spirit by staying faithful?

Do my heart and my actions back up my words? If not I am a liar in the worst sense. 

1 comment:

Pastor Wynn said...

Great post, Bro. Roger. Keep up the great insights.