Saturday 28 May 2011

The Valley of Weeping

As they pass through the Valley of Baca, They make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools. - Psalm 84v6

This is simply a beautiful picture. The word 'Baca' means weeping. If we translate 'Baca' with the rest of the sentence we see 'As they pass through the Valley of Weeping, they make it a spring...'

I don't think anyone needs an explanation of what the 'valley of weeping' means. If we have any experience under our belts we know what it means. Most of us spend a good deal of our lives in the Valley of Weeping.

The Valley of Weeping is a tough place to be. Sometimes it seems like we just can't get the tears to stop. Every bit of news simply adds to our tears. Every word brings more sorrow. It just keeps coming.

So what do we do in the Valley of Weeping? For one thing we can do what comes naturally. We can simply wallow in our tears. We can just settle in, give up, and resign ourselves to a lifetime of despair.

Or we can do what these people did. They turned the Valley of Weeping into a spring of water. A spring of water is cool, refreshing, and invigorating. Somehow these people were able to take their tears and make something good out of them.

When living in that heartbreaking valley we need to decide how we are going to handle it. Will we feel sorry for ourselves and wallow in misery, or will we ask God to for the strength and wisdom to turn those tears into springs?

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