Wednesday 22 June 2011

All Day Long

From the rising of the sun to its going down The LORD's name is to be praised. - Psalm 113v3
We can never praise God too much. The psalmist writes of praising God the sunrise to sunset.

I don’t have much to say about this today, except for the fact that I am really convicted by it. The Lord’s name is to be praised from sunrise to sunset. As I sit here this morning I think about how seldom during a day that real heartfelt praise comes to mind. It seems I have time for everything else, but how often do I just stop and praise?

I can let my thoughts run to fears and frets and worries and concerns. All of those are the opposite of praise. They all imply that God isn’t strong enough to deal with my concerns so I need to shoulder them myself.

I do all of the everyday stuff; working on messages, getting ready for outreaches, trying to witness, being there for the church, and sorts of necessary things. Those are all the good. But should I do them to the exclusion of praise?

I spend time with my family. I talk to the kids and read and play with the grandchildren. These too are good things, Biblical things indeed. But I can do with selfishly and without regard to praise.

I watch the television, play games, browse the internet, and post of Facebook. These are not bad things either.

The point is not that any of these things are good or bad, except the worrying of course – that is just sin. The point is that we can get so caught up in the everyday stuff that we forget about praise.

Instead of worrying could I not turn my thoughts to trusting and praising? While I involved in the business could I not praise God for the chance to serve Him? While doing all of those family things I should praise God that He has given me a family. Even in my leisure time I should praise God by the things I choose to do.

I guess the simple test should be this – do I do all I do in a way that ultimately is done in His praise?

Help me remember Lord to praise you all day today. It is a long time from sunrise to sunset in Ireland on June 22. What a perfect day to try out praising Him all day! 

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