Sunday 7 August 2011

Good to all

The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy. The LORD is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works. – Psalm 145v8-9

I have a good friend who is always reminding us that 'The Lord is good, everyday, all the time.' Last week we saw this dear friend. He is 75 years old and has just been diagnosed with an aggressive form of bladder cancer. It made me sad to realise that this may very well be the last time that I see him alive.

And yet, in the midst of that, his attitude is the same – 'God is good, every day, all the time.' He spent the time encouraging and blessing others and reminding them of God's goodness.

This world can be a very, very, very bad place. It is full of troubles and illness and hurt and pain and bad news. We can be tempted to wonder where this good God is in the midst of all this badness.
The truth is that He is right here. We live in a sin cursed world. These are troublesome times.

Living by faith would not be so hard if it did not require, well, faith. In the midst of all this trouble we have to trust God the same way we ask our children to trust us. Our kids don't always think that we are good. We expect them to trust that we are even when they don't get it.

God is good, every day, all the time. God is gracious. He is full of compassion. He is merciful. Finally, His works are covered by His mercy.

If it were not for God's goodness and mercy the evil would be simply overwhelming. It would be unbearable. It is God's goodness that gets us through all the bad.

I am so grateful God is here. I am grateful that He is good, everyday, all the time

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