Saturday 21 January 2012

No one like them

Then the king interviewed them, and among them all none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore they served before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm. Thus Daniel continued until the first year of King Cyrus. – Daniel 1v19-21

So how did Daniel and his three compatriots do in their little test? It must have been a bit scary as the days passed by and they were not preparing for the king’s meeting the way he wanted them to. What did he expect? What would happen if they failed? There were a lot of Jews in Babylon and surely he has plenty of other to choose from.

But when the time came the king found them ‘ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm,’ and because of that, Daniel gained his position as official in the king’s government.

I think the thing that encourages me here is that God can use all kinds of situations to do His work. Sometimes God is glorified and His purpose served and hearts are turned to Him when His servants and poor and suffering and enduring trials (we will see that later with these four men) and sometimes His cause is best served when His people rise to the top.

For example, in Genesis God used a prisoner to interpret a king’s dream. Here He uses a member of the king’s cabinet.

It is possible to take pride in our weakness and foolishness and baseness. We can look to those Christians who become household names and be critical of them. We think that they must be compromising something to be that well known and that well liked.

The truth is that we need to stop questioning how God does things and who He uses it what way and just rejoice that His work is getting done. 

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