Sunday 25 March 2012

Get it done

Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified," says the LORD. - Haggai 1v8

So what do you do to get out of the doldrums? Here’s what Haggai said ‘Go up to the mountains, bring wood, and build the temple.’ Get going, get busy, and just do the work. Like the old Nike ad said – Just so it.’

Sometimes we don’t need counselling or books or seminars or videos. Sometime we just need to get it done.

And what happens when we just do it? God takes pleasure and He is glorified. Our ultimate purpose is, of course to glorify God. Doing God’s work when He wants is to do it though does more than that. It also gives Him pleasure.

Pleasure is part of the issue. What too often keeps me from pleasing God is the desire to please me. Part of showing someone that we love them is doing things that please them. We buy flowers or send cards or unload the dishwasher or whatever because it pleases the ones we love. We lay our own pleasure aside to give pleasure, and if it is done with we can take pleasure as well.

Sadly, for me at least, far too often my pleasure supersedes His. I do what I want without regard to Him. That is a true tragedy considering what He gave up for me. Just do it. Just to the work that glorifies and pleases the One who gave His life for us.

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