Tuesday 12 June 2012

On these two commandments

On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." – Matthew 22.40

The topic of the law and our relationship to it comes up over and over again in our theological discussions. Folks try to decide if we are bound by it, and if we are what parts are binding and what parts are not. Jesus made the whole Law thing very simple. The Pharisees tried to trick Him and asked Him ‘Which is the greatest commandment.’ They must have figured that they really had Him over a barrel.

But Jesus answered them in a way they could not handle – ‘Love the Lord you God with all your heart and all your soul and all your might and love your neighbour as yourself.’

Now just think about that for a second. If we loved God with all of our heart and soul and might we would only want to please Him. If we loved our neighbour as ourselves we would never do anything to hurt them.

We tend to think of commandments as grievous or burdensome. Jesus Himself said they are not. All we have to do is love God supremely and love those around us as ourselves. If we do that we never have to worry about breaking the rest.

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