Thursday 27 September 2012

Because of His word

And many more believed because of His own word. Then they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world."  - John 4.41-42

As part of the well intentioned ‘soul winning’ campaigns that I remember there were always seminars for soul winners that included trick of the trade, tools, methods, and the right way to do things. I have not looked into it lately, but I am sure there are webinars, Yotube videos, and plenty of DVDs.

All of those things are fine. We can use all the equipping we can get for this vital task of sharing our Christ with the world around us.

But that can’t be the be all and end all. We can’t just depend on being well trained and using the words and the right tactics.

When the men from the city got saved they did not do so because of the words the woman said. Although she is to be admired for her courage in bringing the men to Chris it was His words that saw them believe the truth.

As we share the gospel with those around us we need to remember that the only ‘tool’ that really works are the words of the gospel. They have an impact far and above anything that we can come up with.

Jesus said ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.’ People might be able to argue and debate with us, but it is useless and vain to argue with God. 

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