Friday 9 November 2012

If you ask anything

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.  – John 14.13-14

Here we have a verse that sound almost like a magic solution to all of our problems. ‘Whatever you ask in my name I will do.’

That sounds like a free for all. I want or need or desire something all I have to do is pray, say ‘in Jesus name,’ and God will do it.

It is obvious that there must be more to it. Love never gives whatever someone asks. I love my children and grandchildren with every fibre of my soul. I want to see them happy. But if AJ said to me ‘Grampy, Mommy would let me play with that knife on the counter. Can I have it please?’

My answer of course would be 'no!'

Why? He did it right. He saw something he wanted to play with. He used His mom's authority? 

You might say, 'why that's a silly example Roger!' 

Of course it is. And it is just as silly to think that we can ask for anything we want and God is compelled to give it to us.

So what does this mean?

The rest of the word of God tells us what it means. In other places we read that when we ask in the Father’s will He will hear it. We read that when we delight in the Lord He will give us the right desires.

We ask. We pray. We delight ourselves in the Lord. We seek His will. Then we sit back and watch Him work and we work in His power. 

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