Monday 15 April 2013

For the ungodly

For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.– Romans 5.6

We like to think that we can do anything. None of us like to admit we are weak and hopeless and powerless. That is why religion is so appealing. Religion lets us think that we have the strength to do something about our helpless estate when it comes to our standing before God. Religion gives us the impression that our eternity is up to us.

But even while we were without any strength, despite what we thought, Christ died for us - the ungodly.

I like the way Jamieson-Fausset-Brown explains this verse.

'Three signal properties of God’s love are here given: First, “Christ died for the ungodly,” whose character, so far from meriting any interposition in their behalf, was altogether repulsive to the eye of God; second, He did this “when they were without strength” - with nothing between them and perdition but that self-originating divine compassion; third, He did this “at the due time,” when it was most fitting that it should take place (compare Gal 4:4).'

In other words Christ did exactly what we needed. He died for the ungodly who could do nothing about their ungodliness and He did it at just the right time.

But isn’t that what Jesus always does? Doesn’t He always do just what we need, just the way it needs done, and just the time it needs to be done?

Praise God that He always does the thing we can’t do, just the way they need done, and just the time it needs to be done.

If we can trust Him to save us that way, why can’t we trust Him to do it in everything else? 

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