Monday 11 November 2013


We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain – 2 Corinthians 6.1 

I have had several jobs in my lifetime. I have collected rubbish, cleaned toilets, crawled in dirty crawl spaces and hot attics, worked in sheet metal fabrication, taught school, worked in a youth centre, and even preached the gospel. I have, obviously, enjoyed some jobs more than others. My least favourite was cleaning toilets, not because of the obvious reason, but because I worked alone. 

One thing that makes jobs bearable is having the right co-workers. With good co-workers almost any task can be enjoyable. I remember many miserable days is attics or crawl spaces working with a friend named Tim Watts. The jokes and banter, and what we call craic in Ireland, made the days pass quickly.You  didn't dread the worst jobs because you were sharing it with someone. 

Well in doing God's work we have the ultimate co-worker. We are workers together with Christ. He doesn't just send us out on the job site with our tools and instructions and let us at it. He goes with us to the jobs site. 

When we get discouraged or frustrated or want to to quit when it gets tough we need to remember who we are working with. 

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