Tuesday 5 November 2013

Seeing with Jesus' eyes

Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. - 2 Corinthians 5.16

For part of my Christian life I was a real jerk. Well, I still am capable of being quite a jerk, but hopefully I have seen some growth. I was at one time really, really bad about judging people based totally on their appearance. I saw them through my own proud and judgementally sinful eyes. My view of others was only based on the flesh. 

But Paul says that now because of what Christ has done we see no one according to the flesh. 

I like to think about this as looking at people with Jesus' eyes. I am far from perfect but I consciously strive to see people the way Jesus would. 

Our town has its share of town characters. One of them is a lady most people call 'the crazy dog lady.' She walks around town pushing a baby stroller with who knows what in it. She wears her sunglasses down around her chin. She is rough. She even spat sunflower seed shells at Mary one day. I often see her on my walks and one day got convicted about my attitude toward her. The next time I saw her I stopped and introduced myself. I have to admit it was a little scary. She seems a little strange. 

Anyway, I walked up and said hello. I introduced myself. We chatted for a bit. I told her I was a Christian. I found out that her name in Bernadette. Bernadette has changed. She still has a crowd of dogs wandering around her. She still wears strange clothes and has her sunglasses resting on her chin.  But she is not the 'crazy dog lady.' Her name is Bernadette. She has a life. She has ideas and opinions. She loves her dogs. When her little Jack Russell lost a leg she pushed him around in the baby stroller.

 I think the difference came when it hit me that Jesus died for Bernadette. When I see her now I see a person for whom Jesus went to the cross. He shed His blood for her just like He did for me. We are becoming friends and I am looking and praying for the chance to tell her what Jesus did for her. 

But it's not just the Bernadettes of this world. It the pop icons that we see on TV acting out their broken lives in ways that are shameful. It's the wicked corrupt politicians. It's the enemies who threaten our way of life and indeed our lives themselves. 

I remember seeing a late interview with Michael Jackson. I was sitting there with my arrogant self righteous attitude. But as I sat there I was reminded that Jesus died for this man. I saw him as a man who needed Christ. My heart broke as I saw a man broken by the ravages of sin. 

How about the 'crazy dog lady' or other character in your town? Are you willing to see her (or him) 'not according to the flesh?' These folks are so valuable that Jesus went to the cross for them. What are they worth to us. 

I have a good friend in prison outreach. How about the people he sees on a regular basis who, admittedly because of their own sin, are the castoffs of society? Are they really worth his time? After all, they broke the law, they are getting what they deserve! Are we willing to see them 'not according to the flesh,' but with Jesus' eyes. 

I could go on and on. I won't even mention the immigration debate. 

But let's start simple and basic. How are you going to see that town character the next time they cross your path. Will you see them according to the flesh, or will you see them with the eyes of Jesus? 

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