Monday 24 March 2014

Submitting to each other

submitting to one another in the fear of God. - Ephesians 5.21

Paul is beginning here a whole section on proper submission. He is going to discuss issues related to marriage, children, and the workplace. There are various principles of authority and submission and consideration.

But he starts with a very simple overall statement. 'Submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord.'

Paul starts with a general statement that all of us are to be submitting to each other for the edifying of the chuch. We do this because of the 'fear of the Lord.'

This 'fear of the Lord' is an acknowledgement of who He is. It is a holy reverence. It is a clear understanding of His awesomeness and recognising in His awesomeness that our life is not about us, but all about Him.

I don’t like to submit to anyone – I don’t think I ever have. It goes against my grain. But there is only one explanation for that kind of attitude. Pride gets in the way.

But if I am walking in reverence to a holy God and understanding His awesomeness I have no reason for pride. And if I can get rid of my pride I can start to learn the lessons of submission that are needed for the rest of this marvellous book of Ephesians. 

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