Saturday 24 May 2014

I can do all things

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4.13

I think most of us are pretty accustomed to the feeling of inability and weakness. I know that our ministry has often had me feeling like there isn't a whole lot I can do when time after time everything we try seems to have little immediate visible results. I long ago lost any idea that I could do much of anything.

We all have the same problem. As the hymn writer put it 'if we in our own strength confide our striving would be losing.' We are incapable of doing anything of real meaning on our own because we face an enemy who is out to destroy us and he knows our weaknesses.

Instead of getting down and discouraged however we ought to take hope for there is One for whom nothing is impossible.

Everything is possible in the strength of the One for whom nothing is impossible.

While our strength is always going to let us done God's strength never will.

What impossible situation are you facing today? You can do it – not in your own strength – but in the strength of the One for which nothing is impossible. 

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