Wednesday 11 June 2014

According to tradition

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. – Colossians 2.8

The warning in the previous verse is so serious that Paul repeats it here.

Beware. This little book is full of warnings. It is full of warnings because from the earliest days of the church there have been those who have tried to add to the simple truths of the gospel and to burden believers down with man made traditions and expectations. False teachers have historically tried to add lists of dos and dont's. They don't have to be backed up with scripture - they only need to be the traditions of men.

And sadly a lot of folks get caught up in traditions as we are cheated out of blessings through philosophy and vain deceit. They base their traditions, not on Christ, but instead on the basic principles of the world.

It seems like a lot of folks are caught up in, not 'thus saith the Lord' but 'thus saith my traditions.' They are entrapping. They are not of God.

Beware. Be warned. Be careful. Don’t be drawn away by traditions which are not based on the word of God, but on man’s preferences. 

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