Monday 18 August 2014

Keep on doing good

But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. – 2 Thessalonians 3.13

It sounds like such a simple instruction and so logical and so encouraging - 'don't grow weary in doing good.' It reminds me of another verse that says 'don't get weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you don't lose heart'

Great, but sometimes it can be hard to not get tired of doing good. When we do good for years or decades and don't see much result it can get wearisome. I know myself that we might even be tempted to ask ourselves 'what's the use?'

But these words are still here - don't grow weary in doing good.

It's one of those teachinsg that is a faith tester. Do we or do we not have the faith the keep doing good when we can't see that results of doing good?

I was encouraged yesterday. Way back in about 1996-97 I had the opportunity to a chap named Alan. He had gone through a rough spell and had even stayed with us for a while. One night I sat as his kitchen table and he prayed and asked the Lord to save him. Of course I rejoiced, but we sort of lost contact and have not been in touch.

I figured 'oh well, that's pretty much the norm.'

But yesterday I met a friend who lives in the same town as Alan. He goes by AJ now and is my friend's barber. This friend tells me that every time he goes into the see Alan he talks about 'Pastor Parrow' and the night he asked Christ to save him. That touched my heart and and was a reminder about why we just keep doing good. We never know what impact our good is going to have.

So we just keep doing good and we learn to trust God with the results. One day we are going to see what all our doing good has had. Until then we just need to trust God and get to work.

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