Friday 27 February 2015

Christian courtesy

Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; - 1 Peter 3.8

There seems to be a whole lot of ugliness in the church today. The relative anonymity of social media has really played in to this. People are saying things online that they would never say in person. 

But God’s standard doesn’t change just to suit the internet and social media. He still says:

All of you be of one mind
Have compassion for each other
Love each other as brothers in Christ
Be courteous

I will admit from the very start that I need this message as much as or more than anyone else. My flesh is just as proud and arrogant and self-serving as anybody. I like to be right. I don’t like to ‘lose’ an argument. I am as tempted as anyone to ‘win at all costs’ even if the cost is hurting my brother. 

And that is very, very sad. 

We have enough opposition from the outside that we don’t need division inside. Sure, we must correct error and deal with false teaching. But we must stop dividing over petty and silly issues. 

But I think at the root of the issue is the need for a meek and humble spirit. With a meek and humble spirit I can be willing to lay my personal views aside on things that don’t matter. The I need to always consider my brother’s feelings. Love doesn’t allow me to take any chance at hurting him. And I like the last phrase – simply be courteous. Common Christian courtesy appears to be a lacking feature in much of the church.

Including me sometimes. 

We need to show this courtesy to all. The context here in inside the body, but courtesy is a big part of our Christian testimony. 

May God give each of us the strength to manifest the kind of Christian courtesy that honours him and shows the reality of Christ in our lives. 

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