Saturday 28 March 2015


By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. – 2 Peter 2.3

Peter’s warning against the false teachers continues. Here is warns us exactly how they are going to approach us and what they are going to do to get us. 

Covetousness is a major problem for mankind. And, unfortunately, it is a problem even for God’s people. Satan knows our weakness – so his false teachers are going to exploit us with deceptive words and they are going to use our covetousness to do it. 

What is scary is the other part of the verse – they have been at this for a long time. They have not been idle in their condemnation. Their destruction doesn’t rest. 

So the false teachers are out to deceive us. Being deceptive means that they are going to be sneaky in their approach. They are not normally going to confront us head on. The false teachers are going to stealthily try to appeal to our lusts to exploit us. 

There is no easy way. The false teachers promise us quick spirituality or instant holiness or maybe license to sin  or even riches or popularity or any number of things that are the easy way through. We must not be deceived by those who offer us what we want. God’s will as revealed in His word must be our desire and our goal. 

We are not going to get that through the deception of false teachers.

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