Friday 21 April 2017

Don't trust in princes

Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. - Psalm 146:3

Here is a piece of advice that I think anyone can understand in these troublesome times. I don't even need to comment on current affairs. 

Saying that, I have to say that I am amazed at how many Christians seem bent on trusting ‘princes’ today. It seems like a lot of folks have pinned their hopes on having the right prime minister or president or premier in office. So many people spend more time making sure that their party is in power than in building the heavenly kingdom.

Some Christians really think that unless the right prince is in power that our existence is under threat. They think that unless the church has a friendly government power we need to march and protest and whinge and cry and complain and mock and attack and disrespect the princes in power.

It seems like we are a group would realise that we can’t expect that friendly prince to protect us. It is not the norm and God’s people can thrive no matter who is in control. When the king who ‘knew not Joseph’ took power and burdened God’s people he was frustrated because the more they afflicted them the more multiplied and grew. One of the Roman emperors was frustrated because the stronger the persecution the more the Christians loved and reached out to their enemies.

We’ve got to learn. We need to get over this. We are citizens of a heavenly kingdom. Our real leader is the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. All human princes are pretenders to the throne. Elections are not going to determine our future or our fate – that is all up to our King.

Hallelujah, my God reigns. 

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